
Jul 11, 2020

Political Appointments At Social Security

     One of the items that Social Security recently posted is a list of Non-Career Senior Executive Service employees as of last September. See below. Somebody can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe these are the political appointments at Social Security that's don't require Senate confirmation.
     By the way, I had posted about Mr. Sliwka before. I didn't realize he was a political. At least nominally, he's the person in charge of Covid-19 preparedness. You never know about politicals, though, particularly in the Trump Administration.


  1. Warshawsky MUST GO as of January 20, 2021. Having a Trump appointee in charge of policy under a Democratic President cannot be allowed to happen. He has been a disaster since he arrived and he is despised - with good reason - by the career staff. His policy priorities reflect his deep antagonism to SSA's mission and his mistaken beliefs that most people on DI should be working and that retired worker benefits are too generous.

  2. Sounds like Biden's kind of guy.
