
Jul 2, 2020

Social Security Loses In The Seventh Circuit On Conn Case

     The vast majority of Eric Conn's former clients reside in Kentucky. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, whose territory includes Kentucky, has already ruled that the process used by Social Security to reopen the cases of Conn's former clients, could not stand. However, Conn had some clients who live in West Virginia, which is in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals territory and other Conn clients have moved all over the country. The latest appellate court to act on a Conn case is the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals which has just ruled that the process that Social Security used cannot stand, although it did so in a narrower way that the Sixth Circuit. I believe there is another case pending at the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals but I don't know the status of that case.
    The Conn cases that have been sent back for new hearings are on hold at the moment because of the Covid-19 pandemic. It's not at all clear how these will be handled.


  1. Fourth Circuit case fully briefed but not yet scheduled for oral argument (19-1989).

  2. The dissent seems to have the most persuasive argument.
