
Jul 28, 2020

SSDI Recipients Eligible For PUA

     Under the laws of the state of Wisconsin, North Carolina and possibly other states, individuals who receive Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) from the Social Security Administration are ineligible for standard unemployment compensation. The CARES Act adopted in response to the Covid-19 pandemic created a new type of federally funded unemployment compensation, Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (PUA), for those not eligible for regular unemployment compensation. The state of Wisconsin asked the U.S. Department of Labor whether individuals receiving DIB would be eligible for PUA since they are barred from receiving regular unemployment compensation. The answer came down yesterday. They are eligible.

1 comment:

  1. I am disabled and cannot work but eligible for pandemic unemployment compensation because I wasnt working and my income was not impacted.
    You wonder why people get angry about these programs. This is so counter-intuitive.
