
Aug 16, 2020

Working From Home Poll

bike trails


  1. Worked in office every day of the shutdown. 80% of the workers in the office worked from home. It will take months to catch up and fix the work they did and they couldnt do from home and put off. Year end fiscal close out is going to be a nightmare.

  2. 10:52 - Why do you use the term "fix"? It implies "wrong".If COVID operating guidelines were followed then cases were processed correctly and need to be updated. Yes, the COVID instructions streamlined development and provided expedients. What offices were open all of the time?


  3. I've been working from home just as efficiently as I did in the office, even more so. I've learned how to place documents into EVIEW from home. My work from home will not need to be fixed.

  4. I'm retired, but I worked from home two days a week the last ten years or so (ALJ), and I classify it as great.
    Although one morning I was lying abed at 7:30 (usually left the house at 5:30) and the trash truck came and I had a sort of epiphany: when I'm dead (I'm fairly (or unfairly from my point of view) old) that trash truck will come up this street and make the same noise and continue on its way. Nothing will be different in the broad scheme.

    Didn't really have time for this kind of rumination in mornings I was off to catch the bus.

  5. 5:17, this is 10:52 like nearly everyone on this board you seem to assume everyone works in either representation or SSA. Also if you think everything worked perfectly under the guidelines, I have a bridge to sell you.

  6. Agreed...people have NOT been following the guidelines in my experience.

  7. Working at home is more efficient than working in the office for two reasons:

    1. Reduction or elimination of interruptions. Good work takes concentration.

    2. People who work from home really love working from home and work harder to avoid losing the privilege.

  8. Working from home is great? You can’t print needed documents without flipping back and forth from screen to screen. You can’t talk to someone despite them showing as being available because their out shopping. You cant access needed information until finding out much later that the systems are down. You can’t bring home paper files or print in the office documents needed to take home. The list goes on and on. One or two days of telework is fine but telework in this scale is a pain in the arse.
