
Oct 13, 2020

Attacks On Chief Actuary Continue

Stephen Goss
     Senator Grassley, the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, is continuing his attacks on Stephen Goss, Social Security's Chief Actuary. Goss had the temerity to do his job and give truthful answers to hypothetical questions about a possible policy alternative. The President had proposed doing away with the F.I.C.A. tax that supports the Social Security trust funds and had proposed no replacement. Goss was asked what would be the result. Of course, he answered that the trust funds would quickly run out of money. What is Goss supposed to do -- refuse to answer the question because it would make Trump look bad? Goss's answer isn't the problem. The problem is what the President said.

     If Trump loses, I fear that there will be major acts of retribution before Inauguration Day. I hope that Goss is not at risk.


  1. I too expect lots of retribution, regardless of who wins. I am stocking up on groceries and filling the pantry and freezer. Good thing it is deer season.

  2. So acts of retribution are just mass firings. If Trump does this, why can't Biden just hire them back quickly?

  3. Because there is quite a gap between the election and Inauguration Day.

  4. @1:58

    Depending on the position, I expect there is a lot of red tape to get through for hiring someone, even re-hiring someone, whereas firing is relatively simple.

  5. He is almost certainly a senior executive, so he serves at the pleasure of the President. If Trump decides he doesn't want him, he'll ask him for his resignation or fire him.

    Of course, he wouldn't be unemployed for very long as you can be sure some big insurance company would snap him up (probably for a lot more money than he makes dealing with this circus).

  6. Someone should ask Grassley since he's been in the Senate since 1981, with many years on the Finance Committee, why it has taken him until now to raise this issue. If it is so outrageous, why has he allowed it to go on for so long? These estimates are public knowledge and Grassley, as well as Brady, could have brought up this issue years ago.

  7. System's Deputy Commissioner Rajive Mathur announced he is leaving end of year. Is there an early exodus of senior management?
