
Dec 8, 2020

Clearing Out The Regulations Cupboard

     The Social Security Administration has asked the approval of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for proposed regulations on "Adjudicating Disability Claims in Which We Must Consider Vocational Factors." 

    Don't get excited. It's way too late for these proposed regulations to be finalized during the Trump Administration. It's not even theoretically possible given the notice periods involved. In fact, they'll probably not even be approved for publication as a proposal. 

     I don't want to read too much into this but sending this to OMB isn't something you'd do if you were interested in cooperating with the incoming Biden Administration.


  1. SSA did post an advanced NPRM on this in 2015.

    Has SSA divulged any data that would justify changing policies to erode claimant-favorable medical vocational rules? I have not seen any.

  2. There’s a very interesting article in The Hill concerning this issue, “Social Security Administration is Preparing to Bar 500,000 from Getting Benefits,” dated 12/7/3020.
