
Dec 1, 2020

Really On Top Of This One

      From a notice that the Social Security Administration posted in the Federal Register: 

We published notices in the Federal Register on October 28, 2019, March 2, 2020, and August 27, 2020, which announced the addresses for service of process. These documents contained the incorrect suite number in the address for the Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, Region VI, Social Security Administration. We are correcting the suite number in this notice. ...

[C]orrect the address for the Office of the Regional Chief Counsel, Region VI, Social Security Administration to 1301 Young Street, Ste. 350, Mailroom 104, Dallas, TX 75202–5433. ...

     To explain a little, if you sue someone you have to notify them that they've been sued. That's called "service of process." Social Security insists that you serve process on them to differing addresses depending upon where the complaint is filed.

     They published the same incorrect address three separate times over the course of ten months before somebody noticed.


  1. As context: The Dallas office had a provisional suite number after the move, as the builders had not assigned numbers to all the rooms. OGC was told to use Suite 340, which is what was published originally.

    Yet when numbering was finalized, they were suite 350 instead. Hence the update.

    Mail sent to the old address was still received. It wasn't even wrong, at the time it was published

  2. Hey, it was just the agency's way to say to the rep community that "we love you and are here for you!"....
