
Dec 10, 2020

Subcommittee Chairs Attack Proposed Grid Rule Changes

     A press release:

Today, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard E. Neal (D-MA), Social Security Subcommittee Chairman John B. Larson (D-CT), and Worker and Family Support Subcommittee Chairman Danny K. Davis (D-IL) released the following statement regarding news that a draft proposed rule that would narrow the eligibility criteria for Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits has been sent by the Social Security Administration to the Office of Management and Budget for review: 

“Yet again, the Trump Administration is going out of its way to make it harder for people to qualify for the Social Security disability benefits they have earned. Already, fewer than four in 10 applicants are found eligible for Social Security disability benefits, even after all levels of appeal. This rule would reportedly further restrict eligibility for approximately 500,000 Americans, making it even harder for older, severely disabled people to access the essential income they’re qualified to receive. It is outrageous and cruel that at the eleventh hour and in the middle of a pandemic the Trump Administration is trying to advance yet another harmful cut to Social Security benefits for the most vulnerable Americans.”


  1. With Trump, “It truly is all about the Cruelty.”

  2. I haven't seen the actual proposed rule. It worries me that the SSA Deputy Commissioner of Disability Policy appointed by President Trump came in with an apparent agenda of gutting medical-vocational guidelines which are favorable to people with disabilities. The paper he published attempting to justify such radical changes is not convincing to anyone with real-world knowledge of disability issues and critical thinking skills.

    1. Anyone who works for the man will tell you that he doesn't inhabit a place called "reality."

  3. Oh, a study from the Mercatus Center, which they always love to mention is located on the premises of George Mason University (but is in no way affiliated with the University, no sir-ee Bob!).

    Here's a tip: don't bother reading anything from law and economics ghouls from Mason or Chicago or other centers of that universe popping up more recently. They are all gonna say grinding more workers into grist is best for the capitalist machine.
