
Jan 20, 2021

Didn’t See This Coming

      More on this tomorrow but take a look at what has to be the weirdest personnel memorandum in Social Security history.


  1. I'd say it simply means Saul has no intention of leaving and is planning to serve out his whole term.

    The new administration is so behind on getting started and has so many emergencies it needs to take care of that SSA is probably considered small potatoes to them.

    Who knows when they will get around to looking at the agency.

  2. OLCA is political and those who lead it usually have links to Congress, and Frey's time there during Obama shows he has Dem bona fides. Seems WH Personnel Office is executing well. I'd look for Skidmore to move maybe? Hard to say, maybe depends on if Saul resigns. If he doesn't, Frey is Biden's guy on the 9th floor channeling administration orders. Waiting for Korbey to resign or be replaced; he's a Trump transition flunky who stayed on. (He was at SSA during Bush II transition as well.) Kilolo Kijakazi has the background both personally and educationally for the job. Be nice to not have Cato and Heritage Foundation drones making policy.

  3. 10:41-- those personnel picks are not coming from Saul. They are not his people.

  4. You can thank Ron Klain, WH CoS, and his connection to the COSS. More on the horizon.

  5. What folks don't sometimes understand is that the Chief of Staff is more important in many ways than the Deputy Commissioner. If it helps, think West Wing and Leo McGarrity to Martin Sheen's President. There will be close coordination with the WH via the Chief of Staff, so as long as Saul remains, he'll have Dem WH minders. If he leaves and Biden gets to name someone, that really doesn't change :) It's just friendlier.
