
Jan 9, 2021

Serious Question

      When was the last time anyone at Social Security saw Andrew Saul?


  1. He was at Mar Largo hiding his art collection.

  2. He was scarce at HQ before COVID. In fact, so scarce that the union put out a flyer of him on the back of a milk carton.

  3. The agency to me seems on the verge of collapse. Starting cases is currently a nightmarish dark hole. Hope none of those Trumpers looting the capitol like dark age barbarians are depending on this f-ng program in their futures!

  4. Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far, far, far, far away. He was hiding behind Jabba's throne.

  5. I saw him this past Wednesday in the Capital building!


  6. 6:18 What about all the BLM and Antifa protests last summer? They were not exactly peaceful either. The agency is not "on the verge of collapse", it has done remarkably well with teleworking, better than anyone expected. Hyperbole does not help

  7. That picture on this website 12/28 was undated .. wasn't it recent ? .. last time in MY FO was 2/28/2020 … no picture as of then !!
