
Feb 11, 2021

A Bulletproof Vest Saved His Life

      From WAVY:

A security company says a bulletproof vest likely saved the life of a 52-year-old guard who was shot at a U.S. Social Security Administration building in Norfolk on Monday. ...

In the message Tuesday, the president of [the security company] said an “armed assailant” attempted to gain entry into the Social Security building, but it was closed to the public.

When he was refused entry, he opened fire into the lobby. ...

The security guard was hit four times, but returned gunfire “until the threat was neutralized.”

After he was shot, the security guard went to the second floor to alert the other officer he was working with. That officer was already responding to the sound of gunfire downstairs, and had secured the seven employees on the floor and called 911.

Despite being injured, the officer who was shot went back to the main floor and secured the scene until police arrived. ...

[T]he guard was set to have surgery Tuesday and was in stable condition. ...


  1. He gets paid less than the Managers that were in the building.

  2. A true hero! I hope he makes a full recovery!!

  3. Wish him a full and complete recovery both physically and mentally.

  4. anon@9:14am,

    Never mind managers, he probably gets paid less than the office custodian. The private firms that are contracted to do this type of work hire on the cheap. Our office used to go through multiple guards over time with one such company because they couldn't afford to live on what they being paid.

    In this case, I'm glad the guard was competent because that guy was probably trying to get in the office to do a mass shooting. I wish him well and hope he gets back on the job soon.

  5. Thought I read the guard was a retired NYC policeman so he probably isn't totally dependent on the guard salary to live.
    SSA guards do a great job.
    This guard deserves a medal from the President.

  6. Hope the security guard has a speedy and full recovery.
