
Feb 19, 2021

Not A Good Sign For Andrew Saul

      This is from a press release issued by Senator Sherrod Brown, the new Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, which has jurisdiction over Social Security.


  1. yeah. which one of you wrote this for him?


  2. Oh good, then you can all complain about someone else. Doesnt matter who goes in, I will bet that there will be whinning!!!!

  3. Exactly what benefits were cut? He didn't "attack" any employees, simply tried to get them to do their jobs. There is definitely lots of room for improvement there. Matter of perspective on that one, I guess. "denied beneficiaries due process" -since when does anyone at SSA care about due process for beneficiaries? Give me a break, there was little regard for due process long before Saul and Trump.

  4. These allegations are debatable, with the exception of the increase of medical disability reviews. It is an absolutely false statement that has no merit. Not sure about the denial of beneficiaries due process, but I am skeptical of that statement too. There are many reasons to have lost faith in Saul without making up lies.

  5. Thank goodness for Senator Brown! Let's hope Congressman Larson and the White House are listening. That list is just the start of the damage that has been done over the past 4 years.

    It's not just Saul and Black, either. The cadre of incompetent senior advisors in the Office of the Commissioner need to be shown the door, too!

  6. @2:08

    I had that same thought on the CDRs, but technically didn't they resume them late last year?

    It's still out of context, but I think maybe that's what Brown was getting at? It's not the line of criticism I would go with, but that's the most sense I can make of it.

  7. Time to start over. Saul, Black, Gruber, Nagle, Dillon, and Soc need to go. Too much lost trust and bad blood over the last 4 years.

  8. @9:19. None of them have done much of anything to improve the agency. Their arrogance has greatly impaired employee morale. Just a bunch of people that do nothing more than collect their paychecks. A common theme in management roles throughout SSA.

  9. Saul and Black should.go. Their reputations are shot and they ruined the morale at SSA.
    Grace Kim should go too. She was the one who sent out an Email to thousands of Operations Employees abruptly terminating telework for no good reason. No doubt she wanted to ingratiate herself to Saul.

  10. Yeah- many of the leaders at SSA should go, especially Gruber. But I'm afraid most of them are resting easy in their job security. Because Sherrod Brown is one of the biggest talking do-nothing Senators to ever wash down the pipe. The man has accomplished nothing of substance the whole time her has been in office.

  11. @8:43

    If telework was so important, why did the Union allow the Deputy Commissioners the ability to cancel it? The contract they agreed to clearly left it up to the discretion of the Agency.

    This was a classic play by the union since employees (their members) were split about 50-50 on whether telework was a good idea. They left the decision so the could bash either choice made. If telework was allowed to continue, they would be able to appease half of their members that the choice was out of their hands.

    I can't imagine telework going away after this pandemic.
