
May 12, 2021

Not Much Happening At Social Security Subcommittee

      The following is a list of the Subcommittees of the House Ways and Means Committee and the number of hearings they've held since the beginning of this Congress in January:

  • Health -- 2

  • Oversight -- 3

  • Social Security -- 0

  • Select Revenue Measures -- 2

  • Trade -- 2

  • Worker & Family Support -- 2


  1. If Larson doesn't want the job, I desperately wish he'd give subcommittee chair to someone who had an interest. AOC?

  2. I agree with 10:03. One is to do their job, or get out. 5 (almost 6) months, and that's all they've done? Time for a new subcommittee chair, for sure. Any other job, in the private sector, one would be fired for such underperformance!

  3. How many should they have had?

  4. Three. Field office reopening, SSA defiance of President Biden EOs on labor contracts, and SSA defiance of Congressional letters submitted in response to Trump era NPRMs that hollowed out the disability process and which are still on the books today.

  5. And maybe insist that Saul and Black appear instead of shielding themselves from criticism by sending career people as witnesses.

  6. How many in 2019 and 2020 for the same time period?
