
Jul 10, 2021

An Interview With Acting Commissioner

      From a May interview with Kilolo Kijakazi, the new Acting Commissioner of Social Security:

… Less access to application support services from community-based caseworkers to help their clients with the disability application process, needed medical care, and the associated medical records are all potential barriers that research suggests are more likely in communities of color and can prevent people from applying for federal benefits, for which they are eligible. Other research has shown that access to local Social Security offices can affect applications. …


  1. She might want to keep a watchful eye out for any would be horse whisperer or slick tongued snake oil salesman suddenly showing up at her door. Ask Colvin about that one.

  2. TTW has always been a Potemkin village program. It is doomed to low utilization because it is based on that GOP figment that most people who are approved for disability can work, if given the necessary incentives. It is a shame to see so much effort going into a money pit, but appearances are important.

  3. I never understood what Ticket to Work provided to claimants that could not already be obtained through any State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services or whatever it is called in your location.

    Of course, that is other than a boon to some private providers of rehabilitation services that wanted a cut.

  4. I believe TTW users weren't subject to medical CDRs, thereby keeping their monthly benefits and medicare.

  5. 1:59. You are absolutely right. DRS referrals actually worked and provided services to those who could be rehabilitated with a combination of medical and vocational help. TTW has done nothing from what I have seen

  6. 11.45 you must mean Berryhill. I am certain she has already been whispering. Watch the dominoes start to fall.

    Just like before, dishes will start to be served cold.

  7. Good luck Acting Commissioner Kijakazi. It is a horrible job, everyone will hate you, you have no actual power to change the things that need changed and you are handcuffed by Congress and a union that shouldnt be in place.

    It is a no win situation, do the best you can and hang in there.

  8. Why are people bashing Berryhill? As an outsider she seems like a genuinely decent person who cares about the workforce and climbed the ladder all the way from the bottom to the top.

  9. @2:12 What exactly has Berryhill exactly to improve the agency?
