
Jul 17, 2021

How Much Does Social Security Offset The Motherhood Penalty?

      From How Much Does Social Security Offset The Motherhood Penalty? by Matthew S. Rutledge, Alice Zulkarnain, and Sara Ellen King:

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  1. The description "Motherhood Penalty" is inaccurate and deceiving. Sounds like made up PC. The many advantages of motherhood to the Mom, children, society, are what really offsets the "penalty".

  2. Tell that to all the single mothers living at or below poverty levels despite working 2 or more jobs. Sounds like paternalistic double speak to me. On one hand women contribute by raising our children but let's not financially reward that work, because they are going to do it anyway. If it wasn't for women, as a human race we would still be hunter/gatherers eating raw meat.

  3. How about making it solvent for a few more years before worrying about adding some kind of new benefit or greatly increasing any benefits?
    And no, increasing or eliminating the cap isn't going to do it all by itself. Wealthy people will just find other ways to be paid.

  4. No one is forced to have children. In 2021, you can be man if you want. I don’t understand the problem.

  5. These commenters get more disturbing by the day.
