
Jul 9, 2021

Paycheck Problem Affects 922 Social Security Employees.

      From Government Executive:

More than 900 Security Administration employees were left wondering Thursday how much of their regular paycheck they would receive at the end of the week, after a mishap caused their internal payroll software to report they would receive deposits of $0.00 for the pay period that ended July 2. ...

On Thursday, Social Security Administration spokesman Darren Lutz said the agency were still working with the Interior Business Center, which provides payroll services to around 150 federal agencies, on determining the cause, but that all 922 affected employees would receive at least a partial paycheck by Tuesday, SSA’s “official” pay day. ...


  1. Hope the person fixing it is working from home and able to give it 100%

  2. @10:08 I’m going to assume you are an SSA rep since you made a basic error in the fundamental understanding of how SSA works, managed to criticize the agency, and used the word “telework” all in the same post.

    This isn’t SSA’s fault. It’s the IBC of the Department of the Interior, who manages and administers payroll for SSA.

    But then again, I didn’t expect you to read the article or have any sympathy for the affected employees since you don’t get 25% of that paycheck.

  3. Make that 924. I hear that a couple more $0.00 checks are on the way - for Saul and Black.

  4. 3:12 nowhere does the first poster say anything about SSA being at fault. Appears a guilty conscience speaks first.
