
Jul 2, 2021

Preparations Underway

      I'm hearing that at least at one remote hearing site Social Security has brought in cough shields, hand sanitizer and wipes. I'm not suggesting that the resumption of in person hearings is imminent but what I've heard suggests that preparations are underway. 

     I hope that the agency doesn't try to give months of advance warning before resuming in person hearings. If they do that, many of my clients will decline telephone or video hearings, since they'll be able to get an in person hearing if they just wait a bit longer. I'm pretty sure there will be less chaos if attorneys with scheduled hearings are just notified by phone or e-mail to ask their clients with scheduled phone or video hearings if they want to come to the hearing office for an in person hearing.


  1. Not worried too much about the hearing rooms. Presumably most in the hearing rooms are fairly safe e.g. the judge, hearing monitor, VE, etc.

    It is the waiting rooms I am most concerned. In Downtown Los Angeles, the waiting room is literally like maybe the size of a big house bedroom with maybe 8-10 chairs max. People are packed like sardines. Also, the ALJs schedule like 5 hearings at once at certain time slots (like 8 a.m., 9 a.m., and 10:30 a.m.). So people sometimes wait 1-2 hours for their hearings. Anybody with Covid could easily spread it.

    Was thinking if they could have a procedure where the clients somehow wait in their car or elsewhere outside the building before the hearing starts. I would be down with it.

  2. You're more likely to see scheduling of claimants who previously opted out, not conversion of scheduled hearings. But no one knows of or when this might be.

  3. Having shields is a good idea. But, the hearing rooms and offices are antiquated and poorly ventilated so not sure how much the cough shields can help.

  4. I had no idea SSA employees were so versed in HVAC. Never knew POMS came with a section of virus transfer properties.
