
Jul 28, 2021

Reopening Plans At Two Other Agencies

      From a Federal News Network piece on agency reopening plans:

... The Agriculture Department is eyeing an Oct. 1 reentry date for some — but not all — of its employees. ...

At the Labor Department, offices will reopen on a phased basis    , starting with 50% of the workforce no earlier than Sept. 7 ...


  1. Those plans will likely change given how fast the delta variant is spreading.


  2. These agencies drew up their reopening plans before the coronavirus situation deteriorated due to the Delta variant. Also more unvaccinated than the Biden Administration expected.

    They may decide to reconsider their plans and perhaps change their tentative reopening dates.

    As for SSA it is good that the Commissioner asked for extra time to decide. I applaud her for this. I doubt Saul would have waited.

  3. SSA should not reopen any time soon. The delta variant is spreading too far and too fast now. But, SSA should be doing all it can to optimize service. The public deserves that.

  4. The Delta variant casedemic will curl over within the next month or so if it follows the pattern of the UK. Sorry, but it won't save wfh indefinitely.

  5. @1:16…yeah, then Lambda will sweep across the land

    Mandated vaccinations is the only way forward. Absent that, wfh is here to stay.

  6. I find it truly mind boggling that folks don't understand the longer they remain unvaccinated the greater the likelihood of variants to develop that may, sadly, be even more virulent that the delta variant. Truly selfish, if not flat out stupid, at this point for folks who can be vaccinated to not get vaccinated.

  7. You can lead a person to a vaccine. But you can't get them let a jab to the arm.

  8. @ 1:27 no…but you can fire them for non-compliance

    You will see a bunch of that moving forward. Let’s see if the anti-vaxxers put their money where their mouths are.

  9. Maybe in the private sector, but the federal government won’t mandate its employees to be vaccinated. Never happen without a huge fight from the union.

    I vaccinated so I don’t care, but that would destroy the federal workforce.
