
Jul 19, 2021

Saul Pens Op Ed For WSJ

      There is an op ed by ousted Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul in today's Wall Street Journal. Saul claims to have administered Social Security in a nonpartisan way. He believes he's a victim of employee unions who want to reopen contract negotiations.

     Saul is certainly correct that the labor unions are most responsible for his firing. However, they were only out to get him because of his highly partisan effort to destroy the unions. I don't know why he expected them to turn the other cheek or for a Democratic administration to ignore their complaints.

     The absurd thing about this op ed is that Saul's claim to have administered Social Security in a nonpartisan fashion is being published in what must be the most highly partisan Republican editorial page in the country. That's hardly a good way to prove your non-partisanship. Perhaps he offered it to other newspapers first but they weren't interested.

     The most important thing about this op ed may be the fact that it sounds as if Saul accepts that he's been fired. There's no talk about litigation. The litigation would have gone nowhere but it would still have been an annoyance.


  1. Rich words from the guy who literally complained in his firing statement that employees abused telework.

  2. Better Call Saul is bitter.

  3. Wow. Trump instituted key priorities, including putting fed employee unions on a choke leash and Saul did that well. A COSS is nonpartisan because the politics of funding and benefits is out of their hands. Congress and the administrators of teh TRust Funds are the politicals. The COSS is to administer and run teh agency in a non-partisan fashion. If he can say he wasn't the voice of the Heritage Foundation and was an even handed non-partisan leader, he's delusional.

    But he did accomplish the GOPs long term goal of death by a thousand cuts and diminish the agency just a bit more in the eyes of the public. Always a GOP winning strategy.


  4. He says he asked employees to return to work in the office after the pandemic. It sounds like he may have continued his unreasonable demands that telework be minimized-even after employees proved we can get the job done remotely.

  5. Reminds me of the headline: “Old Man Yells at Cloud”

  6. What I would expect from anyone in the position moved out before the end of the term.

  7. He said he allowed us to renegotiate our K. Yeah, after an arbitrator ordered it.
