
Aug 30, 2021

Online System Failure

      There's a major problem with the system that attorneys use to access their clients' files at Social Security. It's mostly been down since sometime Friday. We're getting the screen you see reproduced here. I've heard reports from some that they can get in but most can't. 

     Social Security has our e-mail addresses. Occasionally, they send out a blast e-mail to us all. For this major system failure? Nada. It's not like they can keep this system failure a secret from us. We know it's not working. A little e-mail saying "We're working on it. We'll let you know once we've got it back up and running" would be appreciated.

     By the way, Social Security employees use a somewhat different version of the same system. Is that working?


  1. We're working on it. We'll let you know once we've got it back up and running. And your check is in the mail.

  2. You think they tell us anything either? We find out it isn't working and wait for an email that may never come. We just know it's down. Same boat as you.

  3. I have $20 you would complain about getting the blast email saying the system is down. It would go something like this: "There is no need for Social Security to send out an email saying the system is down, we use the system every day, we know when it is not working. SSA would be better off using that time to fix the system."

    50/50 if you post it because it is sooooooo true!

  4. FYI, if it's not working...we're working on it. THere is no secret attempt to block your access. Just know that we are trying to fix it. The same people that would send that email are the ones trying to fix it. Do you want them sending emails or fixing things?

  5. To 9:11

    The email takes about ten seconds. So send the email or post a message on the site where we can actually see it. If you send the email then I can stop trying over and over again to connect and not need to clear the cache or switch browsers or whatever else I might try.

    I may want to believe that you are working on it but on more than one occasion, my call to tech support was their first knowledge of a problem
