
Aug 6, 2021

Where Is The Trustees Report?

      The ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, Mike Crapo, is asking why we haven't yet seen the annual report of the Social Security Trustees. It's now more than four months overdue. I don't know if the report has ever been this late before. Crapo's staff has been informally asking about the report but not getting answers so Crapo is now writing a letter to the Trustees and issuing a press release. I suppose the delay is related to the pandemic in one way or another but this is getting ridiculous. Senator Crapo certainly deserves an answer.


  1. They are working from home on it, it will take a minute. TGIF, get over it, just a little humor in a dark and weary world.

    Cue the angry

  2. Pick your bedfellows with better care. If Sen. Crapo had his way, you'd be out of fee withholding and out of a career in short order.

  3. I don't think it has been this late - but it was August 5 in 2010.
