
Oct 26, 2021

Woman Continues To Accept Husband's Social Security Benefits After Dismembering His Body

      From KLAS:

A woman facing a Social Security fraud charge told investigators she dismembered her deceased husband and threw his remains in the trash, prosecutors wrote in federal court documents obtained by the I-Team. ...

According to court documents, Shedleski deposited her deceased husband’s retirement benefits, which continued for more than four years after his death, into her account. ...

The administration became aware of the deposits in December 2019 after it received an anonymous allegation that Shedleski’s husband had disappeared, documents said. ...

In mid-2019, staff at the Las Vegas Social Security Office attempted to contact Shedleski’s husband, but there was no response. Shedleski later returned repeated messages, saying she and her husband lived together in Las Vegas.

In late-2019, investigators visited Shedleski’s apartment. Her husband was not there, and she reportedly told investigators he was traveling the country. Later in the interview, she told investigators her husband had died in August 2015 in the basement of their previous home in Pennsylvania.

She also told investigators she dismembered his body, packaged up the pieces and threw them into the trash, court documents said ...


  1. Good grief!! I'd think she'd be facing other charges as well as fraud.

  2. So the article doesn't say she admitted to killing him, just that he died and she decided to cut him up and throw his body away.

    Other than the fraud and the abuse of a corpse and some charges relating to failing to advise of a death, at this point they may not have anything else serious to charge.

    1. I'm no legal expert, but no matter how he died...isn't there some kind of law discouraging the dismemberment of his body and putting it in the trash?

  3. So why we are looking at charges, it just humbles me that people have to go to such extremes because the cut in income of a partners death. I will not pass judgement without all of the facts of the situation. I just hope my wife doesn't have to go to such extremes to survive.

    For a bunch of people that will scream and cry about the unfair resource limit for SSI, I find the lack of humanity toward this situation appalling.

  4. Lack of humanity…what are you babbling about.

    She cut the guy up and disposed of his pieces. Low income or not, resources or not…that was not an okay thing to do.

    I hope we can all agree on that part. Geez!

  5. The lack of humanity and civility in our society seems to be at an all time high. What a sad testament to our society that is.

  6. Her husband died. She chopped him up and threw him in the garbage so she could fraudulently collect his SS. Less than two years after doing this, she moved from suburban Pittsburgh to Las Vegas, where housing prices are over 100% more expensive. Oh the humanity! She had no choice!

  7. If she had Rose for Emily'd him, would it be better? What she did with the body after he died is really not important to me--lord knows what any of us might do if we were so desperate to hide the death to keep the benefits. Maybe she didn't have a large empty freezer handy or wasn't able to otherwise dispose of the body in a more tasteful way as part of her plot?

    I'm back with the one compassionate poster. Without knowing all the facts here, it's quite possible she was a desperate person looking down the barrel of losing a hugely important source of income. If she had nothing to do with H's death, I'm willing to forgive pretty much everything that came after vis-a-vis his body so long as she was actually in a desperate situation. Yes, it's fraud. But if it's more stealing a loaf of bread fraud than "getting my next yacht" fraud, for me that distinction is hugely important even if it is of little or no import to "The Law."

  8. I consider myself pretty hard hearted and lacking empathy or compassion...but if she didn't kill him, she's still pretty sick to have dismembered him. She definitely doesn't need to be free from punishment for that...forget the money, I do get that part.

  9. No compassion here. When someone dies you give them a proper burial and report their death. That is how it works. If we “forgave” every person who dismembered bodies and failed to report a death so they can steal from the trust fund… what a nightmare it would be! And should would have been eligible for widow’s benefits if he did die from natural causes. I don’t need to know facts… she is a thief and morally reprehensible individual.
