
Nov 24, 2021

Reopening Applauded

      Representative Adriano Espaillat is a Democratic member of Congress from New York City. He's a senior Democratic Whip. Here's an excerpt from a letter he's recently written to the Acting Commissioner of Social Security applauding the announcement that field offices will soon start reopening:

As a result of the nationwide shutdown and office closures, my constituents have been met with numerous challenges accessing vital resources such as retirement insurance, disability insurance and the social safety net, which they rely on. The digital divide, long wait times over the phone, massive backlogs, and the lack of in-person service has led to a 15 percent decrease of SSI applications over the past year, which is deeply concerning considering that many residents rely on these services for their livelihoods and survival.

Assuring that our seniors are given the resources and care they deserve is a top priority, and it is essential that as we continue to build back from this devastating pandemic, that our seniors, persons with disabilities, and communities of color are not left behind.



  1. Applauded for now, but wait till you can’t “just wake up and walk in” and have to wait 30-45 days to get an appointment. The applause will die down quickly.


  2. There is a virus surge in Europe which is predicted to hit the USA in a month.
    The planned early January SSA reopening should not happen especially if there is another shutdown in the USA around that time.

  3. Senior Service Centers and Centers for Independent Living for the disabled have been open and serving the public for months. Yes, they do long interviews and processes, sometimes even applications for SSA benefits. So they are doing extremely close work to the the work at SSA. They are taking precautions. They are even doing congregate meals. So it can and is being done.

    Oddly, I dont see the SSA staff saying those services should be shut down to the public to reduce the risk to those staff and the public.

    Funny how that works.

    1. I agree offices should be open. But your observation about how odd it is that SSA workers don't concern themselves with another type of business makes no sense.

  4. Omicron spells doom for SSA's reopening plans. It ain't happening.


  5. We should know within two weeks whether the existing vaccines are effective against the new Omicron variant. SSA announced reopening on Jan 3 2022 but would need to give SSA employees 30 days advance notice. It would seem to make sense to wait at least two weeks to see what's going on with this new variant.

    If SSA sent employees a call back order while there are banner headlines about the new dangerous variant coming, , well this would be terrible for employee morale. We need to know that management and AFGE are looking out for employee health and the health of those who visit SSA offices.
