
Jan 30, 2022

Don't Think We'd Have Seen This While Trump Was In Office

      From a new update to Social Security's main operating manual (POMS):

Transgender individuals contact us for all of the same reasons other people do. ... During and after any interaction with a transgender individual, be mindful to:

  • Protect the confidentiality of each individual;
  • Always treat the individual with dignity and respect;
  • Ask only questions that are necessary to complete the transaction;
  • When speaking to or calling a person, use the name and pronouns appropriate to the individual’s self-identified gender, even if the person has not changed his or her name or updated his or her records; and
  • Be aware that the individual’s gender transition is a personal matter. Questions or comments regarding a person’s medical treatment and appearance are inappropriate.


  1. Stop making SS political!It's unprofessional!

  2. Had training on this many years ago.

  3. This isn't about politics, it's about respecting others.

  4. @11:11 am. Treating all individuals respectfully is being professional.

    1. I’m sure 11:11 is referring to divisive headline of this post

  5. SSA OHO most certainly had guidance and training on this during the previous administration. Sorry, your attempt to portray your political opponents as ignorant monsters fails this time.

  6. Yeah we had training on this years ago. I just stopped using pronouns all together for anyone. Just easier to keep everything generic.
