
Feb 6, 2022

A Poll

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  1. I just got it for the first time a couple weeks back. The Omicron was tougher on me than the news makes out the virus to be. Went right for my lungs on the 2nd day. I had an infusion about 5 days ago which has helped a lot. Feeling much better. Oklahoma here.

  2. I just made the first comment. Forgot to say I was vaccinated and boosted once about 4 months ago. My boyfriend even had 2nd booster just 3 weeks before Omicron infection and he still got sick with a bad cold / upper respiratory cough for a few days.

  3. @12:54 My sister had the same, went right to her lungs. She believes that if she wasn't fully vaccinated she would have certainly, the very least, been in the hospital. She trudged through it fine. My disability forces me to stay home a lot of the time, so I have been lucky, but certainly fully vaccinated, my doctor would have tracked me down, held me down and administer them to me anyway (I love my doc). I've had people unvaccinated in my life get it, and after having to crawl to the bathroom due to fatigue, the anti-vaccer friend of mine, went and got the vaccine. Luckily, no underlying conditions for him, so....he just suffered BADLY for about 2 weeks, and he felt like death, he said. Vaccination helps curb SEVERE infection, and I've seen both first hand. A couple days with a bad cold, CERTAINLY is better than ICU or worse. Politics aside, people! Get vaccinated, vaccinations are how we mostly rid the country of Polio! Lets hope for happier days ahead!

  4. Had it. Wasn't bad at all.

  5. All the more reason to remain cautious and not paint with a broad stroke since it affects people so differently.
