
Mar 15, 2022

As I've Said, Few Covid Disability Claims So Far

     From a Washington Post article on Covid disability claims:

... The Social Security Administration said it has received about 23,000 disability applications since the beginning of the pandemic that include a mention of covid in some way — less than 1 percent of all annual claims, it said. ...


  1. Wait...I thought everyone on this blog said COVID was "no big deal"'s just a common cold?

  2. I've paid two catastrophic COVID hearings and have a Long COVID case coming up. With the economy at full employment and folks still working from home in many sectors, though, we're not seeing the flood of cases we got from George W Bush's Great Recession.

  3. @8:56

    23,000 does not seem like a extraordinary number considering that at least 50% of Americans have contracted COVID by now. There should be at least 23,000 Americans with severe complications that would warrant an easy disability approval. These are not all long-covid cases.
