
Mar 27, 2022

Social Security Is Really Popular

      From a report based upon public opinion polling compiled by the Partnership for Public Service:


  1. So overall, the Federal Government is 40% positive but every single agency listed is greater than that, even the3 IRS at 42%.

    That just illustrates the silliness of those kinds of polls and questions.

  2. Grain of salt placed on tongue....

    Sadly, this survey is limited in value because it does not focus on those who actually needed service from the specific agency. Social Security's high opinion is going to be different between a working respondent and one who has been involved with it for decades.

    Example: 99% of those sampled probably have no interaction with Immigration, but will have their opinion heavily skewed by biased stances pushed onto them by the news and political affiliation.

  3. From the report "While the research shows the federal government as a whole is unpopular, the public does not view all parts of the government in the same way. As a rule, 'government' without qualifiers suggests politics and politicians to research participants. When specific elements of government are defined and segmented, however, views vary. For example, both members of Congress and political appointees are viewed negatively—only 30% of the public has favorable opinions of each group.

    However, when people focus on agencies and their missions and services, or non-elected government officials and their work in public service, more positive attitudes surface."

  4. People like places that send them money and show them little furry animals. Amazing.

  5. @ Anon 12:17

    Agreed about the grain of salt. Of course, the IRS will always be the least favorite governmental agency as basically a debt collector. Citizens rarely contact the IRS unless faced with some negative consequences.

    Also, the National Park Service is typically used when people are in a good mood having time to spend.

    The SSA also should be taken with a grain of salt. Most elderly contact the SSA probably not under a hunch time crunch so the service is not expected to be fast and efficient. But what about those applying for SSD/SSI? I am sure they would have a much more unfavorable view of the SSA.

  6. It's a poll ya'll... nothing more. Polls aren't accurate, they never have been 100%, and sometimes not even close. IT IS A POLL...this is how they work. After a certain election a few or more years ago, I no longer take polls all that seriously, but remember, it's a snapshot in time. One doesn't critique vacation pictures, or family's just a snapshot in time A poll is just that, A POLL... take it with a grain of salt.
