
Apr 4, 2022

April 7 Is The Day

      Social Security field offices will reopen to the public on April 7, per an agency press release

     Good luck.


  1. We are woefully understaffed for this. I expect FPS and the local police to be busy in our area. Good luck to everyone.

  2. Parking space being limited in many offices makes me wonder if local police presence will be needed anyway. My office can accommodate maybe a dozen vehicles before people try and block the fire lane. Employees basically park in the grocer market's parking lot two places down so that the managers and ASC can park near the office.

    This is unfortunate for the public, but it also highlights have underfunded and staffed front-end operations has been the last two decades. And with funding not even keeping pace with COLAs, it is only going to get worse.

  3. What will be complained about on this forum after 4/7/22?

  4. We will see. Seems like it will be worse before it gets better. Be safe at the local SSAs.

  5. It could be a mess, or, optimistically, everyone will be so happy the offices are open, they'll be orderly and polite. (I know, my optimism on this is a long shot, but lets hope for the best?)

  6. SSA has done a poor job of getting ready for this. Sad.

  7. My doctors office lobby door is locked. They only let you in if you have an appointment. Naturally they require masks.
    How will vulnerable people be protected from the people who believe it's their freedom to go maskless?

  8. @5:43pm The people who believe it's their freedom to go maskless are wrong. What they don't get is their selfishness can negatively impact the lives of others. And, that's why more people have gotten ill and died than should have. What a shame that is.

  9. Can’t wait to see all the complaints about bad service disappear tomorrow since 95% of the complaints have been “open the doors to the public” as the solution.

    Just curious, how many people on this blog will walk into an FO lobby in the next week?

  10. Cant wait to see all the complaints from SSA staff as they have to go back to taking care of the people that pay them. Who knows, maybe someone will answer a phone.

    Just curious how many of those staff have found permanent wfh with all the benefits and pay outside of the government job?

  11. The whole “ we pay your salary” is so stupid. I pay taxes too so do I pay my own salary?

    In addition, I have no issues with trying to complete my work and helping people. As a matter of fact, I declined telework all together because my office is so understaffed that we can’t handle even a fraction of the work we have.

    Now I’m going to be stuck working walk in traffic all day, every day and my allowances will suffer greatly. We were also informed this morning that the is no Overtime available either so…awesome!

    It’s going to be really tough on the public for sure. I am one person trying to do the work of 6-8 people. Imagine how that’s going!

  12. @925 Now that at least half the staff (for FOs) are in the office, you think there will be more people to answer phone calls? They are going to be taking care of the public that come into the office. Those who telework are going to be answering the phones and there will be less of them.

  13. Hey 9:25AM, you realize that SSA payroll is not funded by "you"? If so, we would be funding ourselves via tax deductions from our own paycheck.

  14. @10:29

    Given that we cannot reach SSA by phone, yes this is an improvement. It also give our clients more agency to deal with the issue themselves in person. Many complex issues simply could not be handled by phone staff and SSA FO were not setting up telephone appointments either--they would just direct he call to a voicemail box of a senior staffer who wouldn't call back 50% of the time.

  15. They are only going to let a small number of people in at a time. Everyone else will be standing outside waiting to get in. I hope they aren't going to be in the rain and bad weather.

  16. @9:25
    It is no longer about finding a private sector job. It is about how many will walk and retire. It may sound like a broken record, but it is still very real. There is already talk of offering early out, but they are checking on it because so many people are eligible for retirement they may just gamble on them leaving at the end of September before the expected cancellation of telework.


  17. 9:25 We have been helping people , while working from home. A little recognition and gratitude would be appreciated.

  18. 9:25 you must have hit pretty close to the bone, they are complaining considerably and are so angry!

    Happy Back to Work Eve y'all!

  19. Charles, you need to do a better job of screening out replies posted by trolls. That's the purpose of having a moderated forum.

    Trolls like 9:25 and 8:01 do nothing to promote a healthy, respectful dialogue.

  20. 6:13, I appreciate you. You have handled this well.

  21. 6:13 pm Thank you for what you do. You deserve much more respect and accolades for the difficult and thankless job you have.

  22. As an claimant attorney, I am fully expecting things to get worse, before they get better. But at least our clients have the option of being guaranteed an in-person appointment at some point to resolve their issue. Even if the wait-time is 1+ month, this is still better than the current situation--at least in my area where the FO phone system is completely broken. Other FOs seems to be doing ok with phones, but the office for most of our clients has been terrible for the last 6 months. Unreachable for whole weeks at time.


  23. 8:01 We've been working. Your comment is worthless except for showing that you have a grudge against SSA workers, and that you are a troll. IMO such comments should be screened out, not posted.


  24. Thanks 10:02 and 10:24. It's nice to be appreciated.

    Hopefully the return to office goes well. I'm a little nervous hopefully the offices will not be swamped April 7.

  25. I like the new wave of "if my experience and opinion is different from yours then you are a troll."

    It might just be a difference in interaction. Anyone on either side that thinks that the shut down and working from home has not had a negative impact on the general public is hiding from the facts.

    Thanks Charles for not screening out posts that show a difference in opinion and experience, this is not an echo chamber, but a the largest government agency that impacts the quality of like of every citizen at one time or another. I am tough enough to handle an internet post.

  26. I don't know what the proper solution is but I do know that FO/DO have to be open and have face to face with people at some point and will into the future. Internet claims and phone interviews do not always provide the best service. Sometimes you need to see the worry lines in a face, the glazed over eyes the shifting in the seat that tell you that the options you are explaining for retirement/DIB/Medicare/SSI/Enumeration/Overpayment are not being understood. It is a huge deal for some people. They worked hard for a lifetime and now they want to go into retirement or disability the best they can, because that is a chunk or all of the income they will have till they die.

    Sometimes people just need to be heard, not the phone voice, but an in person voice, so they have a face, can actually hear and see that while there may not be anything different in the outcome or the information, that a real live person is hearing them and has their claim for disability, or child benefits or a million other things. It doesnt speed it up or make it happen now, but it makes it feel like there is someone doing something about it. We have all left a phone call with a company or agency and thought that when we hung up, everything just fell into a black hole to never be seen or heard of again.

    The Agency is is underfunded. I know of no agency or department of the government that isnt. There is a lack of personnel, again, every agency state and federal and even down to the local level that deals with people is short handed. It isnt going to change.

    Let me say that again. It is not going to change. It will never be fully funded or fully staffed.

    All we can do is the best we can with what we have. Nobody owes you anymore thanks or gratitude than any other person working any other job in any category of the economy. Lets just go do what we are trained to do the best we can for everyone involved.

  27. Lots of keyboard warriors attacking SSA employees for things they have no control over.

    Seems like everyone with an internet connection and an opinion is “tough” now.

    To all the employees doing their best, it’s appreciated. Don’t let the people on this blog get under your skin.

  28. To all of you that are about to brave the office again tomorrow...all the best wishes!!! Thank you all for your work from home. Though it may not have been the best scenario, at least people that needed you were helped the best ya'll could. I appreciate the employees that have hung on through this. However, if I was close to retirement age, I'd probably have just retired. So, I see both side. Still, thank you all at SSA for the service you provide, I realize SSA is underfunded, and you do what you can. It is appreciated by a LOT more people than are on this forum. An opinion, is just that. An opinion. And my opinion is, ya'll did the best ya could with the funding that is provided to you, I wish the best for ya'll tomorrow, for sure! Good luck, and best wishes for well mannered people, and a smooth reopening.

  29. Very quiet on Day 1; ~50% of our pre-Covid daily traffic. It looks like many have not yet realized that we have re-opened. I predict a madhouse on Monday.
