
Apr 25, 2022

There Is No Free Lunch Nor Is There Any Free Way To Improve The Customer Experience At Social Security

     From Government Executive:

The White House wants to fundamentally change the way Americans access government services and benefits by focusing on the "life experiences" of those seeking assistance. ...

One type of improvement the administration is aiming for is decreasing the number of applications people have to fill out to get government programs.

Efforts to remake how people connect with government programs as they retire will include making a system where "any route you begin (via SSA, Medicare, other supports) leads you to an integrated experience that only requires giving the government information once," for example. ...

A new goal: for Americans seeing services to be able to apply in 20 minutes, enroll in 24 hours and get services in a week. ...

In terms of funding, "in many cases, service design improvements can be made at little to no cost. Depending on the life experience, digital design may need IT or people investments in order to design and build new digital solutions," the OMB spokesperson said, continuing on to say that the new framework ultimately "isn't about net new things" but instead "doing what we're already doing better." ...


  1. How about using an application that states: This is what we know about you. Tell us where we are wrong. That should save a lot of time!

    1. That wouldn't encourage fraud?

  2. I’m sure that’s exactly the concept they’re working on this very minute!

  3. More money goes out the door in errors made by SSA itself than by fraud I would bet.

    Been 14 months trying to get them to stop payments on a dead person, 5 death certificates sent by family, 5 times the funeral home has tried. All we can think to do is set up a savings account, put the money there and close the checking account so nothing else gets deposited and then pay them back when they finally figure out she is dead.

    1. That’s certainly poor on SSA’s end of what you’re saying is accurate. However, why won’t the bank return the payment to treasury if the person I known deceased to the financial institution? That will trigger a suspension and an investigation on SSA’s end.

    2. I had that happen once. Death input wouldn't work. PC apparently too overworked or slow to get to fixing the record. It's very frustrating for everyone.

  4. T2 inputs by the FO sometimes "except" and basically get stuck and require PC to take manual action. MCS/PCOM is basically cobalt from the 80's. This is not a bug but a feature I chuckle everytime I hear "we will invest in new technology to replace Legacy systems". Sure...
