
Jun 22, 2022

Angry People At OIG

      You might want to take a look back at my last post on the situation at Social Security’s Office of Inspector General (OIG), not for the post itself but for the comments. I’ve never had a blog post draw anything like this many comments — 267, the last time I looked. I can’t say how many different people are commenting but there are clearly some very angry people at OIG with stories to tell. I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s really exceptional.


  1. Wow!

    I hope you have that saved as it looks like it would be important to the agency and perhaps to other government entities as well.

    1. Sadly, OIG could care less about those comments

  2. It's just sad that federal employees are treated so poorly at OIG. Sadly, SSA, as a whole, does not treat its employees particularly well.

  3. The employees of OIG are servants of the unitary executive. They exist for one purpose. To execute the will of the President.

    Their anger is irrelevant. They serve. Only those who wish to execute the will of the unitary executive would ever ask to work for OIG or any other federal agency.

    And why would they be angry? They are living extensions of the President. They should have no thought, no emotion, no action, that is not that of Joe Biden himself.

    Biden's emotions should be their emotions. His thoughts, their thoughts. His actions, their actions.

    This is not a difficult concept.

    Hope this helps.

    1. I think this take on unitary executive theory is the same take Jeff Clark had re the DOJ. And, he just had his home searched.

  4. OIG is asleep at the wheel. Big fraud happening with consultative examinations and they don’t bat an eye.

  5. Wow. So many people posting who are seemingly unaware that the OIG is an appointed position that neither the ACOSS or the SSAAB can "fire". But I can appreciate the attempts at spin some have done to try and spread the "blame". Not successfully but good college try anyway. And this idiot above re unitary executive servant sheesh, the President may be the "boss" but the job is to execute the laws of the land and the Constitution, not the will of the President. Might have been satire, but poorly executed.

    There is a valid point that Biden has not acted (on Ennis n or on COSS) and that's on him.

    Part of the problem was the "new blood" Ennis and co brought in.

  6. @11:30:

    8:31 here. Not really satire. There really are "scholars" and "intellectuals" running around essentially promoting that theory.

    I'm pretty sure that is the core of the reasoning that is being used to try to dismantle the "Administrative State."

    From Wikipedia:

    "Proponents of a strongly unitary theory argue that the president possesses all of the executive power and can therefore control subordinate officers and agencies of the executive branch. This implies that the power of Congress to remove executive agencies or officers from Presidential control is limited. Thus, under the strongly unitary executive theory, independent agencies and counsels are unconstitutional to the extent that they exercise discretionary executive power not controlled by the president.[4]"
