
Jun 19, 2022

Happy Juneteenth!



  1. Working today, out office does not get this holiday off.

  2. We're considering this for a paid day off next year. I felt bad when asked by an employee last week if we were off today, and I realized I had not even thought about it. These are the days we close now:

    - New Year's Day
    - Martin Luther King (MLK) Day
    - Memorial Day
    - Independence Day (July 4)
    - Labor Day
    - Thanksgiving Day
    - Day after Thanksgiving/Black Friday
    - Christmas Eve
    - Christmas Day

    What are others thinking?

  3. 10:37 Above average time off.

    Employees in the US receive an average of 7.6 paid holidays, according to The Bureau of Labor Statistics in the category "all full-time employees." Professional and technical employees average 8.5 paid holidays. Clerical and sales employees average 7.7 paid holidays. Feb 19, 2021


  4. In the meantime the SSA backlogs grow. Yet another Federal Employee holiday is not what we need.

    . If Juneteenth is a holiday then MLK,BD should be a day of remembrance not a holiday.

  5. Why do you have a paid holiday on the day after thanksgiving??

  6. Christmas Eve isn’t a holiday. No wonder nothing gets done.

  7. Even the feds work the day after thanksgiving

    1. But field offices have been closed to the public on black Friday for several years. Management encourages all to take it off so they don't have to come in and supervise a handful of employees.

  8. This blog even hates days off. You all need therapy.

  9. 10:37 here. We are happy to offer an outstanding work-life balance at our office (private law firm). Many people request Christmas Eve and the day before/after Thanksgiving off.

    We will continue to consider closing on Juneteenth next year. Thank you for the replies.

  10. US workers have the least amount of time off of any industrialized nation.
    Working yourself to death for pennies while the company keeps the dollars and you wait to get trickled down on. The fascination that you have to work yourself to death, give everything to the company is gone, because the company will post your job opening before your obit hits and your spouse gets the $255.

    10:12 thanks for making an attempt at work life balance for the people that work in your office. You should add this holiday as well, it will be appreciated by the staff and shows the community your commitment to all of the people in the community.

  11. 10:12 -- two of the firms I worked for we had some set holidays -- Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, fourth of July, Labor Day and Memorial Day and then 4 floating holidays which people could choose to take when they wanted. (We also had a Christmas eve lunch and closed at 1:00 pm that day). It worked well. People could decide if they wanted to take off MLK day, Good Friday, Yom Kipper, etc or just add a day or two to vacation time and work on days where the phones were quiet and the courts were closed which was usually my choice!
