
Aug 16, 2022

Will Social Security Be An Issue In The 2022 Elections?

     From Fox News:

President Biden on Monday commemorated the 87th anniversary of the Social Security Act becoming law by touting Democrat plans to protect, expand and deliver "stronger" benefits to recipients, while warning that a Republican-controlled Congress could put the program "on the chopping block."  ...

Look, if you know me, you know I think rebuilding the middle class is the moral obligation of our time," Biden says in the video. "Social Security allows for our seniors to retire with dignity, and me and my Democratic friends on the hill are trying to protect it and expand it." ...

"But here’s what’s crazy," Biden continued. "Republicans on the hill—they want to put it on the chopping block."

"Every five years it would come up to reconsideration, whether it continues or not," Biden said. "Think about that."

Biden was referring to a plan Republican Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., proposed earlier this year that would sunset Social Security and Medicare within five years.

"Let me ask you have you ever seen the Republicans on Capitol Hill do anything to protect or increase or to benefit Social Security?" Biden asked. ...

"So here’s the deal, with Democrats in Congress, you get stronger social security because you paid for it and you deserve it," Biden said. "With Republicans in Congress, it’s probably going to get sliced." ...

But Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., shut down Scott’s proposal earlier this year, stressing that Republicans "will not have as part of our agenda a bill that raises taxes on half the American people and sunsets Social Security and Medicare within five years." ...


  1. No

    Elections are not won and lost on policy anymore. Havent been for at least 20 years. It more like homecoming king and queen now.

  2. @9:50 Agreed. I'm nonpartisan, for just that reason. I never know who I am going to vote for until I do my research on qualifications, not popularity. Not playing the "prom" game with our elections, on my end anyway.

  3. Social Security isn't a priority for Trump republican voters. Keeping minorities in their proper place is issue number one? I am a minority btw.

    1. SSA isn’t a priority for either party

  4. I don't trust Biden's administration to do anything right. Social Security should be apolitical. Let's talk about what improvements can be made to provide better service particularly with disability claims.

  5. @8:42

    Unfortunately when the public gets concerned about Social Security it isn't about field office service. It is all about solvency. Realistically very few people need the filed office. However, those that do need the field office are poorly served. We try, but the workload demands are causes mistakes and burnout.

  6. This see just all back to Fear Mongering, and as I have said many times before, they cannot just end the program. Do you know how many people rely on SS as their only form of income, and how many are on Disability without hope of returning to work?
    The only way they will end this is if they want civil unrest on their hands that will make the Civil War look like a misunderstanding. It can't and won't be done! Doesn't the media have better things to write about?
