
Sep 7, 2022

Democrats Pound Ron Johnson On Social Security

     I hate to keep harping on it but it's becoming obvious that Senator Ron Johnson's (R-WI) expressed desire to sunset Social Security is becoming a major focus of Democratic efforts to retain control of the Senate after this November's election. See these pieces from Huffpost and Bloomberg.


  1. Then stop harping on it. It's a non-story. Nothing will ever change about Social Security so move on.

  2. Wow is @9:58 ever a perfect illustration of how republicans manage to keep convincing themselves to vote against their own self interests (and, by extension, the interests of their fellow countrymen)

  3. Keep harping on it because too many people don't understand the Republicans agenda to cut or end any "entitlement" programs. Does anyone really think that if the current and upcoming bunch of Republican coconuts controlled all 3 chambers they would turn the disabled, poor and elderly into Soylent green? Keep harping.

  4. @1132AM Republicans have had both chambers of Congress and the Presidency and didn't do a thing to Social Security. Goofy proposals by one or a few Republicans does not mean anyone else supports those ideas. They are the Republican version of Bernie Sanders.

    1. Unfortunately there are more right wing nuts in both the senate and the house with more banging down the door. What was unfathomable pre 2016 is now within the realm of possibility. Moderates are reviled in the new GOP.

  5. "Nothing will ever change about Social Security"

    Do not underestimate republican resolve. We seen what happens when the correct pawns are in place. Case and point Roe vs Wade. It's amazing so many debt fueled republican voters line up to empower politicians that champion the wealthy's well being.

  6. "@1132AM Republicans have had both chambers of Congress and the Presidency and didn't do a thing to Social Security. Goofy proposals by one or a few Republicans does not mean anyone else supports those ideas. They are the Republican version of Bernie Sanders."

    Hey anonymous that's what they said about abortion as well. Just saying!

  7. You said it in the Aug 3 post, they’re touching the 3rd rail. Touching the 3rd rail should be sufficiently painful to keep someone from doing it again (if not kill their career).

    The thing that makes me wonder is between Johnson, Scott, & the article you posted a few days ago…there seems to be a concerted effort to make what has been undiscussable, discussable. If they crack the door to discussing it, they’re one step closer to changing it.

    Bottom line, if you don’t want social security touched…harp away…make the consequence of them touching the 3rd rail as painful as possible.

  8. All political gotcha games like Sanders asserting Biden advocated cutting Social Security for 40 years! In this climate nobody is going to dare offer any kind of solution out of fear of having their idea re-revised as stealing lunch money from kids.
