
Sep 27, 2022

House Version Of Continuing Resolution Gives Social Security More Operating Funds

     The House version of the Continuing Resolution (CR) that will fund government operations until full year appropriations bills can be passed is out. In general, CRs allow agencies to continue to spend money at the same rate as during the preceding fiscal year.  The Biden Administration had asked that Social Security be allowed to spend money during the CR time period as if the FY 2022 appropriation had been $800 million higher than it actually was. The House bill doesn't go that far. If passed it will allow Social Security to spend money at a rate $400 million higher than during FY 2022. (§148, page 28) That's certainly better than nothing but it isn't nearly enough to help the agency address its severe problems.

1 comment:

  1. OT comes to a screeching halt tomorrow, and if past experience is an indicator, will not resume until next calendar year. We are now focused on helping morale since we ranked so bad in last employee survey. All this to say - production will likely to fall dramatically from already low levels. The real problem in my opinion, bad leadership at the area, regional and national level. Good luck boosting morale ….laughable
