
Sep 1, 2022

We Don't Talk About Social Security

    , a fellow at the right wing American Enterprise Institute, has written an opinion piece for Bloomberg, giving advice to Republicans on how to handle Social Security issues during this election season. He makes it clear that he believes that Social Security must be cut. That's the first thing he talks about. However, he acknowledges that this is wildly unpopular and extremely unlikely to happen. Thus, he basically advises Republicans to shut up about Social Security.

    That's not completely reassuring. Republicans would be better advised to permanently forget about cutting Social Security. That will never, ever be anything other than political suicide for the Republican party. Never, ever. People like Ponnuru are part of the problem for Republicans. They keep up a slow, pointless drumbeat for cutting Social Security that makes some in the GOP think it is actually something that can and should happen and which gives many Americans good reason to believe that they can't trust Republicans on Social Security.


  1. They will never ever overturn a right like Roe v Wade, never ever.

    1. And look at how that is backfiring spectacularly for the GOP!

      Be careful what you wish for Republicans, because you just may get it with all of intended and unintended political consequences.

  2. @9:23 and 11:01. Nailed it.

  3. They would never ever elect a politician that committed Medicare fraud or said he would sunset SSA in five years, right Florida?

  4. Why is it always millionaires and perhaps billionaires that want a cut to social security or it's elimination? When will maga wake up and vote democrat?

    1. Easy. Money = Power. Why would those in power, want those beneath them to have any…at all? And this not unique to the right.

  5. How many years must we fight for basic financial security? Social Security was passed by FDR for crying out loud! Do they never quit?

    1. A few goofballs on the right doesn't mean SSA is in jeopardy. The left has its nuts on other issues that will never get legislation passed
      I wish Congress would address long term solvency by tweaking the laws such as increase the rate or cap, don't give DRCs to widows who start before FRA, etc

  6. Most Republican VOTERS are against cutting SS. Sure, some rich people and Think Tank types want to cut it. The real problem is, doing anything to change SSA is so radioactive, needed tweaks and improvements won't be made, either. Partisan infighting and "not wanting the other guy to get a win," will see to that!
