
Nov 1, 2022

ALJ Fee Petition Cap Increasing To $12,000

     From the Social Security Administration:

We previously announced an upcoming increase to the maximum fee under the fee agreement process, the first increase in 13 years. Effective November 30, 2022, the maximum fee will change from $6,000 to $7,200.

Additionally, on November 30, 2022, we are also increasing the fee petition amount that an initial authorizer may approve if an appointed representative seeks authorization of a fee through the fee petition process. During the fee petition process, the initial authorizer may now approve up to $12,000 in connection with a claim adjudicated at the initial, reconsideration, or hearing level. ...


  1. There's no reason that: PIA, Fee Agreement, Fee Petition, User Fee, SSI Amount, and SSI Asset Cap should not be tied to inflation.

  2. Also, why this baloney about making the effective date for these changes weeks or months off. Why can't they make these changes effective immediately?
