
Nov 16, 2022

New OHO Caseload Analysis Report

    Social Security has posted the Caseload Analysis Report for its Office of Hearings Operations for October 2022, the first month in the new federal fiscal year. These are basic operations statistics. Click on the image to view full size.


  1. I have responded previously as to why is there is so much overtime devoted to OHO and a dearth of O/T for the field. Lucky if we get 6 hours a month !!!

  2. I get the sense that ALJs are incentivized to keep cases moving rather than get things right.

    1. That’s been the strategy for decades. It’s easy for angry congresspeople to show that there are backlogs, but far more difficult to demonstrate the agency isn’t properly deciding the claims. So, congress goes after the low hanging fruit, and the agency focuses almost exclusively on speed rather than accuracy to avoid being a target of congress’s wrath. That’s Government 101.
