
Nov 4, 2022

Please Read Before Commenting On This Blog

     I don't know why but there seem to be more and more comments posted on this blog. I think it may be a good idea to discuss the way that comments are handled here.

     Any comments you make on this board are moderated by me. They don't appear until I approve them. I approve comments one by one. Lately I have been deleting more comments. I don't think that's because my standards have changed. It's because the comments have changed. There are more objectionable comments offered. 

    I don't have any comprehensive list of standards for comments but let me list some that will get your comment trashed:

  • Comment has no relevance to what I posted.
  • Comment has only tangential relevance to what I posted. (There's a lot of subjectivity here. How tangential is too tangential?)
  • The comment is repetitive. (Sometimes people repeat their comment merely because the fact that it didn't immediately appear confused them. Often, multiple comments seem to come from paid shills and, yes, it's obvious to me that this blog is targeted by paid shills. I try to knock them all out.)
  • The comment seems intended to be insulting. (Some subjectivity here but there are way too many really insulting comments offered. I offer more leniency when we're talking about public officials.)
  • The comment seems intended to troll. (Some subjectivity here.)
  • The comment contains a clearly false and misleading statement of fact. (I few of these are honest errors but there are too many attempts to offer "alternative facts.")

    Remember, this is my blog. It's not a democracy. I get to be an autocrat. I can turn my thumb up or down on comments as I please. My purpose is to promote a useful and civil dialog. I certainly allow comments that express disagreement with me or which say my facts are wrong but I don't allow comments that are intended to insult me or anyone else or comments which appear to be deliberate lies.

    By the way, remember that I have to get around to reviewing your comment before it appears. This may happen quickly or it may take hours. It depends on my schedule. 

      Judging by what I have to throw out, I'd guess that most of my readers would prefer that the comments be moderated.


  1. Thank you for doing this!

  2. Sounds like cancel-culture to me. And what about my first amendment rights? (Joking. Sadly, I feel that must be noted in these dark ages)

  3. Mr. Hall--your blog is appreciated by your audience. Comments are best when dealing with SSA issues and not the sky is falling politics (these dark ages?) and insults. Thanks for your time and effort.

  4. Like obama said to a heckler this week - if you dont like it, start your own rally. Or blog in this case.

  5. Your blog is very useful and much appreciated.

  6. I really appreciate everything you do to keep us informed as well as moderate out all the trolls!

  7. Hmm...of the hundreds of comments I've probably made, that does explain why a half dozen or so...generally my most aggressive ones went missing. I've always concluded it's for the best.

    I'll try and be more civil.

  8. It's your blog and you can do as you wish. Many blogs clearly need moderation. But I think only about half of my comments appear, and I don't think they violate any of your criteria, so I haven't been commenting lately. My last comment was on the post with a poll asking "Who will win the midterms?" - I commented that the wealthy (maybe I wrote rich) would win, as they always do. Granted, you were looking for Democrats or Republicans, but I think the comment was responsive to the question asked in the poll.

  9. @2:27:

    Well, Charles has explained that he *is* an autocrat here in Charles-word-world.

    I do like his Roman Emperor approach to regulation, with the "thumb up or down."

    More imperial than autocratic, really.

  10. This blog is a tremendous public service to anyone who practices in this area. We greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into this, which must be quite substantial. Everything takes time.

  11. I enjoy reading your blog. I think mildly insulting posts of conservatives/Republicans are allowed more frequently than similar posts about Democrats.

  12. Charles. I am a current DQB employee and I learn more from your blog than the inane 1.5 hour all hands meetings I am required to listen to. Keep up the good work

  13. Although I think you allow much more aggressive comments towards SSA employees than we deserve without being allowed to respond with equal sentiments.

    I do appreciate the blog though. It really sheds light of how much someone who doesn’t work for the agency doesn’t understand how things work.

  14. Greetings
    Your blog; your rules.
    All good.
    Keep "moderating" to keep the trolls and haters off.
    Robust debate is good. Misinformation is not.
    Keep up the great work.

  15. I appreciate the blog and I appreciate the moderation.

  16. Thank you for running this blog. As an employee & manager I've often learned more about what is going on within the Agency I work than our Senior Leadership shares with us.

  17. You don't like comments that would affect your bottom line. A robust discussion of issues is hindered by the blinders you impose.


  18. Comments which are critical of SSA workers are posted.
    Comments which are critical of attorneys don't make the final cut.

    1. As someone who attempts to publish their fair share of gripes about SSA employees, you can rest assured that posts critical of the agency staff are being censored as well. And frankly, I never mind and rarely feel his decisions aren’t for the best.

    2. Oh, he lets plenty of comments critical of SSA attorneys through. Comb back through his past posts for an array of childish comments from SSA managers and judges who insist only losers and poor performers stay on as decision writers for more than a year or two, and use this scummy lie to argue against doing anything that might make SSA a more desirable place to work.

  19. You really do perform a public service.Very much appreciated.

  20. Used to see more EMs and things open for comment before being implemented on the Fed Register, rules changes and such. Now we see a lot more opinion pieces like cutting benefits, poverty, and such. I guess those get the response numbers up for higher blog ratings, but i sure miss the actual real information we used to get here.
