
Jan 18, 2023

Biggs And Lewis Renominated

     The President has renominated Andrew Biggs and Sharon Beth Lewis to serve on the Social Security Advisory Board (SSAB). Biggs is only renominated because the President essentially has to nominate him. Certainly, he would not be nominated otherwise. As a Social Security employee -- a Social Security employee! -- he campaigned with then President George W. Bush for the partial privatization of Social Security. It's understood that Social Security Commissioners don't do this sort of thing. It's way beyond the pale for underlings. What Biggs did was quite a few years ago but it's not been forgotten. Remember, though, that the SSAB has only a limited role. Biggs on the SSAB doesn't move us one inch closer to privatizing Social Security.

1 comment:

  1. I just can't picture FDR or Harry Truman, or any democratic president before Slick Willie, doing this. Maybe it's time for democrats to start insisting on some ideological purity from our candidates like iron clad commitments to support our greatest achievements such as Social Security and Medicare. These programs are wildly popular with the American people. If you are a democrat who supports privatizing these programs you need to get the hell out of the democratic party! As far as this Debt Ceiling business. One speculator netted over one billion dollars betting on a credit downgrade in 2011. After that fiasco and Moody's Credit arm downgraded US from triple A to double A the bet payed off. Which billionaires are betting against America this time and which politicians do they own? Who stands to cash in on this Debt Ceiling Kabuki theatre?
