
Jan 25, 2023

GOP Wants To Cut Social Security

     From the Washington Post:

...  Only weeks after taking control of the chamber, GOP lawmakers under new Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) have rallied around firm pledges for austerity, insisting their efforts can improve the nation’s fiscal health. ...

So far, the party has focused its attention on slimming down federal health care, education, science and labor programs, perhaps by billions of dollars. But some Republicans also have pitched a deeper examination of entitlements, which account for much of the government’s annual spending — and reflect some of the greatest looming fiscal challenges facing the United States. ...

In recent days, a group of GOP lawmakers has called for the creation of special panels that might recommend changes to Social Security and Medicare, which face genuine solvency issues that could result in benefit cuts within the next decade. Others in the party have resurfaced more detailed plans to cut costs, including by raising the Social Security retirement age to 70, targeting younger Americans who have yet to obtain federal benefits ...

GOP lawmakers have been counseled by a wide array of right-leaning groups, including the Heritage Foundation, that the new majority should consider significant changes to entitlements as part of their commitment to cutting spending and balancing the budget — but not tax increases. ...

    "Special panel" to recommend Social Security cuts. Is that like a death panel? 

    Republicans are living in a fantasy world if they really think they can cut Social Security. Forget the Senate and the White House. They couldn't come close to passing Social Security cuts in the House of Representatives. Get real.


  1. Did you forget Clinton and Obama where all set to cut them before being stored but Bernie Sanders?
    Biden had been a proponent of "reform" for decades so never say never.

  2. “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” - Maya Angelou

  3. And when they show you who they are, stop reelecting them.

  4. The house will be so busy with retaliatory investigations, they probably won't even get much more done than that in 2 years. They can try. What gets me, whomever cuts SSA will not be reelected. It's a pretty popular program if one doesn't play the politics game in DC. Cut SSA and see what happens to their jobs. Raise retirement age to 70?!? Ya, see what happens to their jobs. The voters will cast out anyone that hurts them personally. "Death panel"? Probably not, that's an Obama era lie. "I'm a GOP jerk with nothing better to do" panel. Yup, sounds more realistic. If the GOP wants to gain more control, they will not mess with SSA. If they do, they'll be sorry.

  5. These hard cores and nutties in the House that caused the Speaker debacle aren't acting on principle. Who is the dark money billionaire group paying for this? We know Heritage is buried up in it for one. Had to explain some of this to a potential client who likes to use the phrase libtards. He just wouldn't believe republicans want to cut social security for hard working white high school educated American's like him now that he is almost sixty. He said it has to really be Biden and the democrats. Haven't heard back since we had the conversation.

  6. This would be a perfect way to activate the young voter base and turn them against the GOP for life. I hope these idiots do openly discuss screwing younger generations out of SSA and Medicare benefits. Nothing they propose will pass with Dems controlling the Senate and Presidency.

  7. Yep, watching them move my retirement ages to somewhere between 6 months and a year after I am dead.

  8. The last time Congress made significant changes to SSA retirement was 1983! And the vote was bipartisan, after a panel made recommendations. Even if the House passed changes (I think Jacksonville winning the Super Bowl next year...or a much safer bet), it's highly unlikely that the Senate would follow. Sure, a few crazy people will talk about it... I am certain it wouldn't get out the committee...

  9. @10:22 - Careful what ya say! Trump had the same chances as the Cubs winning the World Series in 2016. They both won.

  10. These panels are a waste of time. The solutions are simple, get money from those who have money.

  11. The dumbest comment I have ever seen on this blog. So because someone worked hard, became successful and has money, they should have it taken away and given to those who have less?? You have got to be kidding! Move to a socialist or communist country so you can be happy.

  12. Everything I've seen indicates Social Security/Medicare cuts are off the table. As for the "panels" that are being talked about those are always a dead end and have been floated only as part of a some face saving way for Republicans to increase the debt limit.

  13. ahhhh yes, the one big ticket item that they weren't able to get pushed through with the last administration.

    Biden would be foolish to act on any of this, because he/Dems of course would get ALL the blame for making such cuts.

  14. I predict this Congress in the House is going to do much political flailing and failing. Both Trump and McCarthy at least SAY they are opposed to touching Social Security and Medicare. The GOP so called "Fair Tax Act" with a 30% federal sales tax on top of the state and local sales taxes is NOT fair and will push inflation even higher. Of course, inflation may be the least of our worries if the GOP defaults on US debt and destroys the full faith and credit of the United States.

  15. Looks like McCarthy blinked.

    Either the backlash to the trial balloon they floated was too much, or he's decided to toe the line that Trump laid out putting Social Security/Medicare off limits.

    (Speaking of which, holy shit about broken clocks being right, huh?)
