
Jan 28, 2023

Now How About A Commissioner Nomination?

     The President has nominated Kathryn Lang to became a member of the Social Security Advisory Board. Lang is Director of Federal Income Security at Justice in Aging, a national non-profit legal organization that fights against senior poverty. She has worked with Social Security and SSI issues.


  1. Again, what's the point? The ACOSS has just as much power as a Senate confirmed COSS. Plus, we know that every ACOSS/COSS will now be replaced whenever there is a change in party control of the White House, so anyone in that role is essentially "acting," even with Senate confirmation.

  2. The ACOSS will do whatever the administration hints that it wants done. Better than a confirmed commissioner who has actual power.

  3. A comment about Kate Lang.
    She is true champion of low income SSI and Social Security recipients and has been at Justice in Aging for quite a while. A great nomination.

  4. Anyone that accepts the nomination should be immediately denied. This is a no win position, where all you get is blame and have absolutely no ability to control anything, you might as well declare yourself King or Queen of Neverland. The only reason a person would take this position is to further a career outside of the agency as a lobbyist or business interest. It is a horrible job.

  5. Great to see Kate getting that nomination!

  6. Kate Lang is a great nominee for the Advisory Board .

    SSAs Leadership issues and funding will not be fully addressed or even halfway solved until SSA is elevated to Cabinet level- eg, Cabinet Secretary .

    The VA faced similar issues in the 80s -when Congressional (House) Democrats (with Republican Support) developed and passed legislation signed by President Reagan in 1988 elevating VA to the Cabinet.
