
Feb 1, 2023

Appropriations Subcommittee Members

     I posted earlier about the members of the House Social Security Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee. At least as important is the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee (which also covers Social Security). They're the ones deciding how much money each agency under their purview gets to spend. Here are the members of that Subcommittee for this Congress:


  • Rep. Robert Aderholt (AL) – Chair
  • Rep. Mike Simpson (ID)
  • Rep. Andy Harris (MD)
  • Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (TN)
  • Rep. John Moolenaar (MI)
  • Rep. Julia Letlow (LA)
  • Rep. Andrew Clyde (GA)
  • Rep. Jake LaTurner (KS)
  • Rep. Jake Ellzey (TX)
  • Rep. Juan Ciscomani (AZ)


  • Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT) – Ranking Member 
  • Rep. Steny Hoyer (MD)
  • Rep. Barbara Lee (CA)
  • Rep. Mark Pocan (WI)
  • Rep. Lois Frankel (FL)
  • Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman  (NJ)
  • Rep. Josh Harder (CA)
    DeLauro is Ranking Member for the entire Committee. She was Chair of the entire Committee and its Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Subcommittee in the last Congress. In the past she hasn't seemed all that interested in funding for the Social Security Administration.


  1. Funding alone won't help. They need to clean house at the top in this agency and restructure. Or it's always good money after bad

  2. Shame a majority of them are from the party too spineless to do their job and raise the revenue needed to get the agency running without wastefully ratcheting up the deficit (thereby plunging this second-rate joke of a nation further into the GOP death spiral).

  3. You can tell it is a dead end position by the lack of big players.
