
Feb 9, 2023

Stats On OHO Operations


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    This report is for the Office of Hearings Operations (OHO).


  1. How are there cases that have pending for over 1000 days???? What factors could possibly account for that long of a delay.

  2. Since Nagle decided that judges cannot dismiss no shows, those cases are rescheduled over and over. Blocking other cases where a claimant might actually show

  3. Well, 12:16, there was an 800+ day period of time where all offices were closed and the only way to have a hearing was to consent to a phone hearing or online video hearing. You can’t consent to one of those types of hearings if you can’t be found, and if you can’t be scheduled for a hearing, well, your hearing request gets old.

  4. Also cases for confined claimants.

    I remember the joy of trying to schedule those hearings and between prima donna ALJs who didn't want to go to the jail/prison (because invariably even if these facilities had VTC capability they didn't when we called to set up a hearing) even though they were in a separate room and the jail/prison system being real jerks about making people available, it often didn't happen on the first, second, etc. attempts
