
Feb 18, 2023

Worsening Service

      Lisa Rein at the Washington Post has a piece up on Social Security’s worsening service delivery problems, including a quote from me that some of you might not like.


  1. So glad that I left. SSA SES willingly led the Trump admin assault on federal employees, and people left in droves. It hasn't improved under Kijakazi. Yes, the agency needs to hire, but with terrible leadership, they won't hold onto many of these new hires

  2. @11:02am, what's good for management is best for the agency. this longstanding SES mindset is well known and understood. its why they were prepared to jump the gate to implement trump's draconian policies and why they drag their feet to reverse it all.

    there is no other internal voice or group in the higher ranks of the agency to counteract this mindset. i'm afraid that even with a well-intentioned commissioner nothing will change. it is what it is.

  3. I could care less anymore. I do the best job I can do given the poor leadership, the adversarial local management and the overwhelming amount of work.

    I’m just biding my time until I find another job or I retire. I refuse to work myself into an early grave or an insane asylum trying to do more with less.

    This agency is failing miserably and by extension failing the public that needs it.


  4. The Post has run several negative articles about SSA employees lately. The newspaper has an ax to grind.
    At least this article didn't blame telework for the problems.
