
May 9, 2023

OHO Caseload Analysis Report

     Just released by Social Security (notice that it still refers to ODAR which hasn't been the correct name for several years now):

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  1. The agency also routinely refers to ODAR in job vacancy announcements as well. The agency is so rotten it stinks, and doesn’t know its own a** from its own elbow.

  2. OHO was Terrie Gruber's name for it, trying to fold Hearings into Operations. ODAR was a terrible name since the component isn't limited to disability appeals -- it also relates to when the AC was supposed to be eliminated, which, in the event, never happened. Should just go back to OHA... Each name change is the result of some former Commissioner and their failed legacy...

  3. Who really cares what it is called?

  4. Look at the plummeting number of Aged cases! Good to see OHO get all those cases stuck by Covid-related procedural complications cleared out.

    1. Yeah, Mr. Lytle! Pat yourself on the back now! You’ll need those good vibes to weather the incoming cluster**** coming when DDS clears its cases and you don’t have enough writers to write for the ALJs due to you failure to lead and insistence on treating the AAs as third-class peons.
