
Jun 15, 2023

13% Of Female Employees At Social Security Say They Experienced Sexual Harrassment In 2021

     From Government Executive


  1. WOW.. Justice department among the league " leaders" ..LOL

  2. Same experience women experience pretty much everywhere, unfortunately.

  3. Was that while they were "working from home?" Joke lighten up, just poking fun. Pun intended


  4. Not sure how reliable these statistics are. Sometimes misunderstandings occur.

  5. @2:15 pm. What kind of misunderstanding do you mean? Are you implying that women might have misunderstood the question in the survey? Or that they misunderstood what you were doing or saying to them, and so they weren’t actually harassed? I’m not sure either option is a good look for you.

  6. As a male in a predominantly female agency, I get harassed constantly. Nothing new here. People suck.

  7. I got sexually harassed by a fellow worker that was a woman. It happened 2 or 3 times and would have been easily denied. Who would believe a man alleging that? I just avoided any contact for about a year until she quit. I was married at the time and she knew it.

  8. 2:12 PM
    LOL, yeah, right.

  9. Why does the title and most of the comments also ignore the fact that a significant number of men experienced this as well? Shouldn't the headline read 21% of employees experienced sexual harassment?

  10. At least the rates for the federal government are lower than for private employers.
    Not surprising, sexual harassment nationally increased significantly after election of the Sexual-Assaulter-in-Chief.

  11. 7:31, Where can I see the statistics to back up your assertion that "significant number of men experience this"?
    What's significant to you? I have been harrassed and molested and assaulted over 20 times, at school, at work, on the street in full daylight. Were you or the other men in fear for their lives when it happened?

  12. I'm curious about the numbers. SSA is ~ 65% female or those who identify as female. Men are overrepresented at the highest levels (executives and GS-15s) and underrepresented almost everywhere else. Does the study point out if the harassment is coming from other employees or the public? Or those in a power relationship?

  13. The sad part is how much worse the private sector is.
