
Jun 20, 2023

SSI Child's Disability Disappearing

     National Public Radio has a new piece out about the dramatic decrease in the number of people applying for and receiving Supplemental Security Income for disabled children.

    SSI is disappearing before our eyes, destroyed by antiquated income and resource rules and inadequate resources for the Social Security Administration to do much other than cut people off benefits.


  1. Many firms simply stopped taking kids' cases because of 1) how much fewer of them they win and 2) how low the fee is even if improved.

  2. I've noticed a considerable change in the makeup of the kids' cases I get, even. Far fewer lifelong cut-and-dried disability issues (muscular dystrophy, severe mental impairment, etc) and more "soft" cases like ADHD or Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

  3. Child cases were always tough, household changes in composition and income and resources a constant variable. Add to it an essential freeze in the income and resource rules and this is an obvious outcome. Just program death by attrition. Weren't here special age restricted widows provisions (set up by a senator for his mom?) that have gone away because those eligible have passed? Same thing, only unchanging income and resource ceilings in lieu of age.

  4. On the contrary in my opinion. There are always interviews w/ the allegation of Autism. These cases may not result in payment as they result in non-medical denials(7:27 is correct)due to deeming of income and resources, but there seems to be increase in favorable medical determinations.

  5. At what point are impaired children the government's responsibility? It has always been my view parents bore the full financial responsibility for impaired children. After all children generally do not work out of necessity to feed and shelter themselves.

    1. Yeah, we should just let them rot and die if they weren’t lucky enough to be born to wealthy parents capable of meeting their exceptionally expensive healthcare needs while maintaining gainful employment despite having a disabled child requiring inordinately huge amounts of time and attention.

      Your attitude is why America is a s***-hole country.

  6. Parents need to not be wealthy to respond to the needs of impaired children. The problem is households lacking traditional family structure of two parents working with medical coverage. Further the problem is some parents spending earnings on illegal drugs,unnecesary new vehicles,expensive homes,vacations,All terrain vehicles,boats,brand name clothing and other things versus sacrificing toward the care of their child.

    SSA will go insolvent unless something is done so who responsibility is it?

    1. Holy cow that’s a ton of racist dog-whistling! You should consider a career in GOP speechwriting or writing copy for Fox News, if not already doing something similar.

  7. The author of 2:16 PM, June 22, 2023 is black and the statements apply to any skin color or race.

    Thank you.
