
Jul 3, 2023

Average Speed Of Telephone Answer

     From The Social Security Administration’s Telephone Service Disruptions, a report by Social Security's Office of Inspector General (OIG):

Click on image to view full size. Yes, it’s a confusing way to present the data. What were they thinking?



  1. Something smells funny here. The field office wait time went from 37.7 minutes in December of 2021 to 5.5 minutes in January of 2022? Or was this when they simply disconnected calls when to artificially lower the wait times (I’m sure the calls were connected long enough to tell us our call is very important)? No connection, no wait time. That’s some 4d chess right there.

  2. Bottom line these #s don’t reflect reality. The statistics don’t reflect all the calls that are disconnected after 20 minutes.

  3. Looks to me like people should simply call their field office for help. But I guess it’s more fun to parrot Fox News and scream about telework.

  4. @ 1:20, they really shouldn't. The more time field employees spend answering phone calls, the less work actually get done. If you're okay with that, then sure, call away, but expect any and all backlogs to grow at that rate.

  5. Can a field office help me with everything I need? I rather call them due to wait times.

  6. 120 pm please do not call the fo. Every call you make results in being unable to get work done. If I need to talk to you for over 2-3 minutes i triage you to a vm box.

  7. Just know that Killolo, Grace Kim and Joe Lytle are doing a great job...

  8. @6:31

    Triaging to VM does not work great either. There are some FOs where the case workers are impossible to reach, and they are sitting on fairly straightforward post-approval processing issues for months. It is very frustrating to be rerouted to the VM of an employee that has never responded to any of your VMs (for years). This practice has required me to reach out to Regional Communications manager quite a few times -- then I get a call back from the FO supervisor. How is this more efficient?

    I agree that calling the FO is often a waste of time because the staff answering the phone do not seem to understand the most basic POMS for SSD case processing and attorney assignment. I know this is not universal across all FOs, but most of my cases are handled by two FOs that are particularly bad with phone service and case processing. They make constant errors that require us to call. Then they tell us the issue will be taken care -- it is not -- and then we call back weeks later and there is no record any action taken following the previous call.
