
Jul 12, 2023

Congressional Hearing Today

     A press release:

There will be a Hearing of the Committee on the Budget 

On: Wednesday, July 12, 2023, 10:00 AM 

In: Room SD-608. 

To consider: "Protecting Social Security for All: Making the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share"


  1. The Honorable Phillip Swagel, Ph.D.
    Congressional Budget Office
  2. Mr. Stephen C. Goss
    Chief Actuary
    Social Security Administration
  3. Ms. Kathleen Romig
    Director of Social Security and Disability Policy
    Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
  4. Ms. Amy Hanauer
    Executive Director
    Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
  5. Dr. Andrew G. Biggs, Ph.D.
    Senior Fellow
    American Enterprise Institute


  1. Actually the wealthy do pay their fair share. Only 15% of their highest covered earnings are figured into their AIME vs 90% for the lowest earning workers.

  2. 3:09 PM
    Yeah, right. Like the readers of this blog don't know what "highest covered earnings" means. Ply your lies elsewhere.

    1. Lies? No. Difference of opinion? Yes. Facts about bend points? True.

  3. It is very easy to demand that "the wealthy" pay "their fair share." What is considered "wealthy?" Is it based on annual earnings? Liquid assets? Illiquid assets? What is a "fair share?" Speaking in generalities means nothing. This hearing sounds like yet another opportunity for self-important politicians to blather on with righteous indignation to an empty room so they can fill pages of a Congressional Record that no one will read.

  4. Gotta admire the dedication of the AEI ghoul to sticking around and mixing it up in the blog comments
