
Aug 24, 2023

A Top Ten List

     It's a slow time in the world of Social Security, so here's a list of the top ten most read posts on this blog in the last twelve months. The number given is for those who went straight to the post, perhaps as a  result of receiving a link in an e-mail or seeing the link listed in some other forum,  rather than going on the blog generally and reading the post listed here along with others.


  1. Anyone else find it odd that the passing of Terrie Gruber has been so hush-hush? It was announced to the deputy commissioner level and the RO level, but not really share at the hearing office level.

    1. Are you saying that Teri Gruber died? I'm in HO management & our regional office routinely sends us executive announcements. Nothing has come out if that's what you mean.

    2. Yes. ACOSS sent out an email on Monday. The news seems to slowly filtering through OHO.

    3. Who is Teri Gruber?

  2. Not really a "SLOW TIME" for me .. just hit the Blog to get an update on trends. Don't really care what goes on in 'THE IVORY TOWER" .. read as CO !
